ikona waluty
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ikona swiata
+34 616 954 502  /  +48 786 873 302
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found: 650

Spanish wines and beer

Wine is an alcoholic drink which, over the centuries, has gained the greatest appreciation in the Spanish society. Traditionally wine is served in vessels such as a goatskin or a porron (a Catalan glass wine pitcher with two spouts) which allows sharing the wine among a few feast members. Spain has a lot of winemaking regions which are distinguished by a wide selection of different quality, easily available wines. The most important grape variety in Spain is temperanillo and the most popular kind of wine is red wine usually served with meals and snacks. The southern regions of Spain can boast a long tradition of fortified wines such as sherry and manzanilla (white, noble wine). Tourists most often choose a wine-based drink called sangria ( a drink made of wine with fruits) and tinto de verano (a mixture of red wine with soda).


Cava is a sparkling wine made in the traditional method of the French champagne. It originated in the Catalan region Pendes and the centre of the production is Sant Sadurni d'Anoia. In the 20th century, the production and consumption of Cava spread all over the country and the export of this drink increased. In the Spanish society cava is mainly associated with a festive atmosphere and different kinds of celebrations. In spite of all that, the sale of cava significantly falls in December and January.


Cider (a light alcoholic beverage made from apples) is produced in the north of Spain in the region of Cantabria. The first mention of this kind of alcoholic drink appeared in the 1st century in the works of a Greek geographer and traveller, Strabon, who wrote about an Asturian drink which then had a Greek name, zythos, although historians today argue whether the name referred to cider or beer. Serving cider in the so called sidreria (a kind of a pub in which cider is sold) is related to a special ritual. Namely, a waiter places a wooden bucket in front of him, raises a cider bottle in an extended arm over his head, his other arm, holding a glass is extended downwards, looking straight in front of him, he pours the drink from a height. Depending on the region, there might be differences in the taste and serving style of cider. For example, in the Basque Country it is more sour than in Asturia and it is usually served straight from a barrel. The popularity of cider in these regions is so great that there are periodic festivals celebrating this drink.


Beer drinking in the Spanish society became popular quite recently, at the end of the 19th century but the group of beer lovers is gradually extending. The first breweries in Spain date back to the beginning of the 20th century. During that period, beer fortified its position on the list of the consumed alcohols, because of its characteristics which it retains in the hot summer months. The best known beer variety in Spain is Pilzner.
